Dr Tara Cutland Green, DClinPsychol, CPsychol, AFBPsS
Tara is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years experience of working with psychological difficulties. She has a background in a range of therapies (including CBT, CAT and DBT). However, since being trained in 2008 by Dr Jeffrey Young, the originator of Schema Therapy, she has specialised in this approach, and more recently, EMDR and DBR (Deep Brain Reorienting).
In addition to individual and couples therapy, she offers supervision, consultation and delivers training.
Tara has worked in a variety of settings, including NHS psychological therapy services, a depression research clinic and a personality disorders team. She has managed and developed services in Auckland and London, taught on UK Doctoral Clinical Psychology Programmes, served on New Zealand’s National Personality Disorders committee and has been an external assessor for the University of Middlesex, validating a Masters degree in Integrative Therapy. She has delivered training in a number of Eastern European countries as well as online. Having been based for many years in central London, she now runs her private practice from Yorkshire.
She is a founding member of Schema Therapy Associates, a group of therapists trained by Dr Jeffrey Young; a Director of Schema Therapy Associates' ISST-Approved Certification training; and Training Coordinator on the Executive Board of the ISST.
Dr Gill Heath and Tara together authored the chapter on Schema Therapy in the The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology - An Evidence Based Practice Approach (2nd Edition, 2016) and developed the Schema Therapy Toolkit video set, a Schema Therapy training resource. Tara also authored a chapter in Creative Methods in Schema Therapy (2020) with Anna Balfour. Her doctoral research investigated the experience of committed Christians who sought help for psychological difficulties.